Luxury Villa and Pool Maintenance Spain
Once our clients start living in one of our Luxury homes in Spain, one factor becomes very important and requires the intervention of professionals: complete property maintenance. Here we can help you as this is one of our star services, and who better to help than a builder that builds and maintains luxury villas in Spain?
Our complete property maintenance service in Spain includes everything from cleaning your home, swimming pool or garden to managing your Internet service.
Here at Villas de Lujo we adapt to the requirements and needs of each client and home. Our complete integral maintenance includes plumbing, painting, carpentry or security and access control so that your home is always in the best possible condition and so you can enjoy every moment. We provide a fast and efficient service.
The swimming pool is usually one of the most important aspects of your home.
In our SALINE CHLORINATION pools, you have to take into account several factors when deciding which type of salt to use. The main premise to consider is that the electrolytic cell of the saline cloradotes has a limited shelf life, depending on the quality and the treatment we are doing in the pool.
Most salt chlorinator manufacturers recommend the use of salt specifically treated for swimming pools. It does not mean that we cannot use another type of salt, but it is true that the more salt is treated for use in swimming pools, the lower the deterioration of the cell and therefore, the longer its useful life.
Among the salts specially prepared for use in swimming pools, we can find from the usual sea salt to salts of extreme purity, almost 100%.
From a practical point of view, it is clear that the better the quality of the salt, the calmer we can be when it comes to optimal use of the salt chlorinator and its long life.
On the other hand, it is important to assess aspects such as: the volume of water we have in our pool, the average temperature of the area where the pool is located, the greater or lesser hardness of the water, usage of the pool (it’s not the same just to use it in season as it is all year round).
In our OZONE pools, as a disinfectant, it is without a doubt the best possible option. By itself, it is only a natural flocculant as well as a powerful anti-algae, which means that it is already saving us maintenance on chemical products. It has a sterilization power about three thousand times higher than chlorine, destroying a much higher number of microorganisms that chlorine cannot eliminate. In addition, it does not leave chemical residue since it dissolves in 20 to 30 minutes. It eliminates the typical problems of chlorine such as irritation, itching or odors without leaving any type of byproducts as it finally decomposes into oxygen, helping to oxygenate the facilities.
Because ozone has a short effect in water (about 20 minutes) it is necessary to add small residual chlorine. But do not get confused, this treatment is not a compliment to chlorination, it is an alternative. The fact that you add a small amount of free chlorine does not mean that we will have the problems that chlorine normally causes us. On the one hand, the amount added would only be 5% compared to that normally used. On the other hand, we must remember that the problems of chlorine in the pool arise from the formation of organochlorine compounds that ozone destroys immediately.
Therefore, with ozone treatment, we avoid the combined chlorine in the pool responsible for the bad smell, irritations and the fact it barely has disinfectant properties. That small amount of chlorine we add, we have it in the pool as free chlorine providing a small residual disinfectant barely noticeable when bathing. It is undoubtedly an exceptional treatment option and is not exclusive for public or large pools but is perfectly applicable to small private pools.
There is no doubt that it represents an investment somewhat greater than the rest of the treatments, but the difference in quality is enormous and it has so many advantages. Within this treatment, the level of ozone in the pool can be controlled by control systems similar to those used for chlorine treatment, acting on the production of the equipment to obtain the appropriate levels of concentration in the water, from a safety and quality point of view.